
Monday, April 21, 2008

(Imported from the babababies website)

Thursday we had a small milestone. William was able to put Peter to sleep. Actually, Peter slept from 6:30 until the next morning...poor tired fella! It was a relief to all that he didn't cry the entire time until I got home. (Ha...he fell alseep just before I arrived.)

Peter has been grabbing stuff, watching his feet (which he finds completely fascinating) and smiling. He does smile a lot and is generally a happy baby. He seems to have only two modes though...happy and mad!

And Rebekah still gets upset if Peter is crying.

This morning, she went into his room (he was awake) and picked out a book. I went in there to get him up and ready for the day. She said "Don't pick him up Mama! I read to him!" And she crawled up on the rocking chair and began chattering away! LOL After a few moments she said "Ok mama, pick him up!" And I was given permission to change his diaper and get him ready.

HA! William walked in on the tale end of the conversation and said "Is princess Rebekah giving royal permission for prince Peter?" HA HA HA! I think it is great she takes such an interest in him and have worked to foster it as much as possible!

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