
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Museum of World Treasures Field Trip


Rebekah's class did a unit study on museums.  And to wrap up the study, Rebekah's teacher decided a field trip to the Museum of World Treasures. Rebekah had a LOT of fun.  She saw authentic dinosaur bones, two mummies and other artifacts.  (The bottom middle in the collage is the actual pitch fork used in the Wizard of Oz movie.)

The kids did a scavenger hunt where they had to answer questions.  I was proud Rebekah wrote out all her answers by herself.  I read the questions and helped them with some spelling - but her and her friend (who rode with us) did it mostly by themselves.

One funny story (from during the week of their study) - the class did a pole about whether they would rather be an "archeologist" or a "paleontologist".  I had noticed Rebekah's name was under "archeologist".  So I asked her about it.  First she told me that an archeologist "looks at old stuff" and a paleontologist "digs bones up".  Then she told me she wanted to be a ballerina, but her teacher wouldn't let her pick that.  

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