
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crazy lady in the car next door...

This morning I was sitting at a stop light...minding my own business really. Out of the corner of my eye I see some movement. I glance over and there is a woman in the car next door making funny faces and waiving her arms around.

Imagine my surprise.

After a moment I realize that Peter is staring out the window, not really sure what to make of the crazy lady in the car next door. I guess I can't really blame him, I wasn't sure what to think either.

The entire thing struck me as funny. Obviously this woman was a "baby person" attempting to make my baby smile. I've never been a baby person. I'm more the the sort that would see a baby in the car next door and go "Oh, a baby." and leave it at that. It would never occur to me to make crazy faces and waive my arms around at the baby.

Although...when I was a kid it was great fun to make faces in an attempt to get people in other cars to laugh...but I was 8. That stopped being fun around 13. Maybe this woman never outgrew it?

Who knows...the one thing she was very successful at was providing me some fodder for my little blog!

1 comment:

CCMOM said...

LOL that is too funny! P is probably so darn cute, she couldn't resist!