
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is my house sold?

That certainly is the $180,000 question. Is it REALLY sold? I have no idea to be honest. I'm told the people really like my house and they really want it. However, they continue to make demands and threaten to walk away. (Well, the threats may seem perceived...I'm not sure.)

The latest in all of the house drama is the list of things they want repaired. There is only ONE thing we feel reasonable (a roof issue), which we are already working getting done. A simple fix really - some flashing is missing.

So what next? Well, we are going to offer them some cash for them to fix whatever they want fixed in exchange for them to change the closing date to something convenient for us. I have no idea what they will say. No closing date change will mean no cash.

They have already sent someone out to give them a fence quote. We feel that is a pretty solid sign they believe the house to be theirs.

And in the mean time, we have found a rather ugly duplex that we believe will be perfect for our family. As a recap - here are our goals.

- We will live wherever we pick to live for the next 3-4 years (maybe 5, depending on how many "life events" we get). This will give us time to pay a few things off and save up a nice fat down payment for our new "dream house".

- The plan for this housing purchase, because we know we will not have much equity in the house after 4-5 yrs, is to rent it out. Of course, this will make us landlords and provide some additional income.

And this little place fits those goals perfectly. I've been watching what God is doing in our lives, and even though it is uncomfortable and painful at times, He really is watching out for us and working.

We are blessed. Even if it isn't always obvious and even if I have to remind myself a hundred times a day. ;-)

1 comment:

Janette said...

Wow -- have you met these people who are trying to buy your house? I bet these same people go to garage sales and expect to find near perfect stuff when it's really years and years old -- and have it be dirt cheap LOL!!

Good luck w/ these new challenges. As you're reminding yourself that God watching out for you 100 times a day -- also remind yourself that God doesn't have problems, he has plans! I truly understand how much easier that is to say/type, however!!