
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Cuteness

Rebekah woke up about 6:00 AM on Saturday, bouncing on us asking if it was time to go trick or treating yet. Could she get into her costume? And wake up sleepy heads.

Can I just say if she was that excited about Halloween...I'm sitting here wondering how excited she'll be about Christmas? Which reminds me...we need to put a lock on our bedroom door.

We finally got around to carving our pumpkins on Halloween...better last minute than never!

Whatcha doin' Daddy?



Rebekah took this picture - I thought it was pretty good!

That's smiling at me...

Kids on the front porch.
Peter is saying "dun du du duuunnn!"

I only took the kids to a couple houses. I basically got kind of weirded out by one of the houses and hot tailed it back home. Normally William takes the kids anyway, but he was on call. Rebekah had requested we go to Wayne's house. She adores Wayne. He was our neighbor at our previous house.

So William took the kids over there. He has a big pumpkin he takes out each year and lets the kids throw bean bags into it.

His grand kids were there as well, and they all had a blast playing.

And they have been enjoying their bounty all week!

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