
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random funny pics...

Watching the New Year's celebration here. Rebekah is just about to fall asleep in William's arms. (She's fighting it like a champ!) Here are some fun pics from the last month to ring in the new year! (Told ya I had a ton to post!)

My little photographer took this...I thought it looked kinda artsy.

I thought this one was just plain funny...the perspective!

Yes...he was getting into trouble. He always is. ;-)

Rare picture...he is very quick to take his hats off!

I don't think I'm going to make it midnight folks. LMHO William is now snoozing on the couch and Rebekah is intently watch Curious George (? - not sure what happened to the New Year's show!). How's that for old fogies? The funny part is he regularly stays up until midnight or 1:00 AM. Me...I'm already past my bedtime!

May you have a happy and blessed one!

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