
Friday, October 9, 2009

Rebekah's birthday

I have found my convert-my-sd-into-a-usb-device-thingamajig.

Yes...that is a highly technical term, so please do not use it in vain.

Actually - my camera is weird. For some reason, if I put the SD card that goes into my camera directly into my computer, it will not read the pictures. If I put it in the converter, it is fine. Ah well - at least I don't have to bother with the uber slow camera cable!

Enough techno mumbo jumbo! What I really wanted to write about was Rebekah's birthday. Yes, this is a wee bit late. (Ummm...actually, I don't think I ever posted pictures of Peter's party? Must go check and fix that if i didn't!) It was a carefully choreographed event. Normally, birthdays are a week long event. We do something each night. But with a move the same week, that just wasn't possible. So we made the best of the time we had.

For her actual birthday, we let her open her presents, had a special birthday dinner and of course cake. And as is tradition, I took treats to her school. I took strawberries, pineapple, grapes and fruit dip.


No cake. Rebekah isn't a cake fan. She had wanted to dip her fruit in chocolate, but the fruit dip was the best I could do. And she loved it!

While the kids waited for their snack, they usually do a little art project.

Rebekah standing in front of her class, while they sang to her.

Rebekah and her classmates eating their snack!

I had to laugh at some of the kids comments. One kid said "What kind of treat did you bring?" I informed him that I brought fruit. He said "What??? NO CAKE???" I said "No - Rebekah really likes fruit! So I brought what she likes!" This same kid had two helpings of the fruit! HAHA!

And little girl walked up to me and said "My mommy doesn't buy oranges anymore." I looked at her and said "She doesn't? How come?" The little girl replied "Because she buys peaches!"

One last little boy exclaimed "I'm batman!" I said "You are? Where is Robin?" He looked at me for a second, then pointed and said "RIGHT THERE!" and pointed to the teacher...whose name is Ms. Robin! Yeah - he got me there!

For her dinner, she chose the highly nutritious and gourmet meal of chicken nuggets and fries. And of course I obliged and bought her the best - Wendy's!

Her pile of presents from us. :-)

Opening the presents!

First present was a set of stamps she had been wanting for awhile.

She got a chef's outfit and a little stuffed dog.
The dog was from Peter (that he picked out himself for her!)

Playing with her stuff!

The funny thing about the chef outfit is that somehow it became a Strawberry Shortcake outfit! Because she loves Strawberry Shortcake so much right now, we decided to get her a Strawberry Ice Cream cake. She does like ice cream cake!

Blowing out the candles

Lickin' the candles!

It was a quiet evening. She had time to open all her presents at her own pace, eat her cake at her own pace and play with her toys. We had a really nice time, and it was the last evening at "home". The very next day the moving madness started!

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