
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

VBS 2010

I had some trouble with my Picasa...but after a Picasa update, TADA!  All fixed.  I think uploading via blogger is ever so much slower. So I'm finally able to post about VBS.  I guess this is your warning on a picture montage!

The first night when the class lined up, it was pretty small.  5 girls and little Peter.  This actually thrilled me.  Little kids are cute - but so are little wolves until you get a pack of them! ;-)  Well, we ended up being the largest class in VBS with at least 10 kids every night.  The numbers ranged from 10-13...yikes.

Each night we started out with recreation.  Rebekah fully participated in all the games. 

Peter on the other hand was a little bit shy about it all...and participated partially.  Hey - at least he participated!

He can never resist balls...towards the end of the week he was participating more and more.

William even got to participate one night!  This bucket is a special bucket.  There are spikes in the bottom...making the water balloons the kids threw in guaranteed to pop. 

Before the water balloons, the kids were given those balls that soak in the water.  Rebekah was pretty excited to get her Daddy wet...and Peter figured out it was easier to skip the bucket all together and just smash the balls right up against William!

Next up was Bible story.  Peter was pretty interested in the stories...the teacher gave suckers I think that helped the interest.  One of the nights, the teacher pointed to man and said "Who is this?"  Peter said "A bug!"  The teacher said "I think this is the good Samartian!"  Peter replied "No, a bug!"  HAHA!

After story they did craft.  They made everything from slap bracelets to masks and bags through-out the week.  The kids loved each and everyone.

After craft they had their memory verse.  They played some games there too - and had their snack.  Rebekah told us at dinner that she didn't need to eat...because there was always snack!  Silly goose!

The big event for the week was a giant water slide.  There is a hill in the park, and every year they make a huge slide out of it.  The kids LOVE it.  This is about half of it, but was the widest shot I got.

These girls by the way, hung out all week together. :-)  The three amigos!

All in all it was a great week - with lots of smiles to spare.

The kids had a really great time and were pretty sad when it was over.  One thing is for sure - our church never skimps on kids VBS's!


Michelle said...

We need to build a SUPER slip and slide like that one! Thanks for all your kind words on Michelle's updates.

God bless,

Steve Ha

Miriam said...

LOL Steve - I'm sure you could do it in a breeze!

You are most welcome on the comments. Your little boy has been on my heart lately... :-) I can't help it!